bTd bespoke eyewear platform

A introduction to bTdstudio

Only a bTd franchise shop and its online sales guides can open the bTdStudio, 3 photos are attached below to illustrate how it work to customize.

  Scroll down further will see a QR code,scan it to install the sunlogin application, sign up to get your account, log in using a new account: btd101, password btd101101,a list of devices name each correspond to a franchise shop sales guide's tablet computer will appear, connect to any one that is not occupied making you the remote controller on the guide's device and share his screen, click his skype to connect to your skype account, now you can chat and he can start to guide you through a customization tour on his device, anyone in the same skype chat group can join to share the screen as if inside a online classroom 

  You can request through skype globally one or many sales guides, member turned designers, or other bTd platform members in different discipline, to  colaborately custom design and fulfill a custom made order for you, bTd factory will be the final problem solver when it receive the one key sent online custom made order.