Every bTd glasses is a patent modular structure of a minimalistic RIMLESS fitted with a detachable RIM that is changeable for customization and change looks.

As a result, every bTd glasses displayed on or off line in bTd franchised shops is a elegant RIMLESS assembled from components of lens, bridge,nose pad, temple and a detachable rim, all are customizable in style, size and color, ready to be sold on or off line like the conventional glasses retail practice, so EVERY OPTICAL SHOP CAN JOIN bTd platform TO OPEN A FRANCHISEE SUBSIDARY WITH SMALL INVESTMENT AND OVERHEAD TO OWE A PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMIZATION OPTICAL SHOP

bTd nose pads are a patent invention whose ANGLE & HEIGHT are ADJUSTABLE, so a bTd glasses can fit anyone's nose and its PD HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE, a must have feature for PROGRESSIVE LENS

bTdstudio as a specially built software can customize any bTd model such as the one above to fit ANYONE in style, size, color, even cut the lens shape and 3D print the rim base on the wearer's face contour like a face makeup or a cosmetic correction mask, or use the same pair of lens but fit with different styles and colors of rims and/or other components for wearer to always keep a refresh look, as the 7 models shown below. So consumers visit a bTd franchise shop on or off line will start their buying experience from a ready made model like conventional practice but can end up with a custom made glasses order from the shop to bTd factory via bTdstudio instead of leaving empty handed, bTd will get the factory profit, the shop will get the retail profit, same as current eyewear business mode, but end user can get a personalized glasses not much higher than a mass produced one, our earth less damaged by redundant mass production--the power of a resource sharing business mode over a competitive one.

7 looks in a week colection

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brand story

bTd was launched in 2014 when internet+ eyewear business mode went through b2b, b2c, b2b2c following the consumption upgrade until personalization rose, but no corresponding online business appeared due to the huge technical difficulties to do bespoke eyewear business online.

bTd answered this market call by adding a designer role to the b2b2c to make it b2b2dc, let a designer to connect between business and consumer, because only a designer can compromise user's trivial personal needs with eyewear business' intrinsic mass production nature. But the work flow didn’t run smoothly: order execution always halted at designer section because of the triangular connection between business-designer-consumer :factory or shop couldn't fulfill designer's boiled down requests for consumer thus bounce back to designer...This was a insoluable problem because the online bespoke eyewear order processing work flow cross many technical sectors boundaries to pose various difficulties on IT and software technology, eyewear production process, molds, tooling and machine design, shop retail custom and practice ...

bTd resolve these problems by turning a layman end user to act as a designer through 2 steps:

a) Purposedly built a software bTdstudio to act as a easy to use design studio

b) through several years R&D to invent a patented modular eyewear structure, to make the bTdstudio's virtual customization manipulation realizable within the bTd eyewear business (bTd franchize shops and bTd factory) which function as a eyewear platform to acomodate various role players in the eyewear business such as the end users, bTdstudio enabled designers, optical shops, online sales, lens glazing workshops, laboratories, etc., to colaborately execute the bTdstudio generated custom made orders)

As a memorial, we call this innovative online bespoke eyewear business mode the b2d mode, and use bTd as our brand name, it operate b2b2cd (bTd factory to optical shops to consumer/designer) but b2d give a concise and true description of the overall work flow and mechanism, reflecting the deed achieved by bTd to let the consumer to perform a designer's role thus eliminate the consumer role in the business's order execution workflow. Thus we call this a bTd glasses business mode, or a bTd bespoke eyewear business mode

To help overcoming the hardship along the way, we elaborated a set of brand missions as pillars to build this btd glasses business modes on :

Brand Missions:

1) To release the burden of glasses wearers by making bespoke eyewear a convenient and affordable eyewear business practice

2) Turn eyeglasses from a eye desease burden to a eye fashion

3) Make eyewear business a sharing but not a fighting activity by building b2d (b2b2cd) a resource sharing platform that can accomodate all order fulfilment participants to work in collaboration to serve the end user and share the reward through the empowerment by btd by ways of various specially developed software, frames assembly and lens glazing gadgets, molds, tooling, fixtures, machines, Ecommerce & IT technology.

After 8 years R&D venture and step by step growth, we now see our bTd platform has been uprising high from our brand mission pillars along the right track.

Optical shops are bTd's customers, forming the front part b2b, doing business in the same way like a high market eyewear brand do with optical shops, bTd's R&D innovation are mostly in the rear part 2cd, where c stand for consumer, d for designer whose role is taken over by the consumer under the guidance of a online bTd sales guide using bTdstudio software as a tool,

So individual who want to work as a freelancer can apply to become a bTd member,to get acquainted with the skill and knowledge from bTd platform until qualified to become a bTd custom designer, to liaison between bTd franchisee shops and end users on bTd platform as a freelancer

Optical shops can join to become a bTd franchisee shop to diversify toward CUSTOMIZATION

Individual can join to become a online freelancer bTd designer for bTd franchisee shops

Visitors can start a Skype chat in the "bTd designer" group by clicking the Skype link below, designers in the group will guide you through the bTdstudio customization process; or click 'bTdstudio' button below to have a preview first